Saturday 15 May 2010

Kings Cross Type Proposal

So here's a brief summary of my contribution to the Kings Cross ID/Signage competition...

The intention was to communicate CSM's heritage and its contemporary activities simultaneously; new within the old. The method I chose was to use a typeface based on mid-19th century British letterforms (which also reference the architectural heritage of the building we are moving to), but to fill it with an ever changing in-line. The 'base' typeface used was Leviathan (by Hoefler & Frere-Jones).

The in-line could adapt to describe the activities of different departments. For example, chalk for the cafe:

Broadway-style dots for the theatre:
Books for the library:
Or neon lights for the bar:

The proposal for the different courses was to work with them to define a visual identity that matched their ethos, philosophy, or how they wanted their physical space in the new building to be percieved. For example, senior member of the fashion department said they wanted their space in Kings Cross to be a really basic, no-frills workshop area, so their in-line could be a clean san-serif:
The in-line could even become an arrow, for use in way-finding:
Unfortunately our proposal wasn't chosen, but there's been talk of me working with the uni on a different project as a result of this, so not all bad I guess. Let's see what the future holds!

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